Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can we try and take the high road? Though we don't know where it ends...

New York has been graced by my presence for more than month and I'd say we're getting along quite well.  Sure, I've been a little homesick and have cried on a subway because I couldn't find heart-shaped cookie cutters after a day of searching at all the logical places I would go in Texas and went to Williams-Sonoma as a last resort to get high priced cookie cutters only to be yelled at by the rude "greeter" who wanted to know why on Earth I would think Williams-Sonoma would have heart shaped cookie cutters.  If you're ever in New York, please don't shop at the Williams-Sonoma in Columbus Circle...

I'd also like to point out this this is the longest I have ever been out of Texas my whole life.  It's been easier than I thought; so far I've already seen two of my lovely Alpha Chis, Sarah and Katey, and I have Tyler, Emily and Brittany's upcoming visits to look forward to, too!  I'm getting used to the way of life here - including the weather.  I actually got HOT in 40 degree weather.  What is happening to my thin Texas blood?!  It's supposed to be 65 this weekend... I'm considering laying out on our building's rooftop patio.  Who knows.

Since my last blog post (forever ago, I know), I FINALLY had the chance to go to Little Italy!  KA and Julia both had friends in this past weekend so we made reservations at Angelo's, my dad's favorite restaurant in Little Italy.  Julia and I split some wild mushroom pasta that was absolutely DELICIOUS! Oh, and Robert Pattinson's twin sat next to us. 

After dinner we went around the corner to Ferrara's where we waited a good half an hour to get dessert. 

Julia and I thought we saw Chris Colfer go into the men's restroom with two very intoxicated girls, so KA, Andrea and I waited outside the men's restroom to see if it really was him.  Here's our Myspace picture we took to document the occasion:

Unfortunately, he was just another look-a-like.  I don't know why we haven't had any luck meeting famous people after our run-in with Chase Crawford.  Well, Julia DID meet Jennifer Aniston.  But no one else has had a chance to really meet any more celebs. 

We had a class field trip to the Met on Saturday.  I enjoyed the first few hours of it; I really like the historical artifacts and old art, but I would rather stare at a blank wall than look at modern "art." 

What would you call this?  I would call this a neatly folded rope.  The people at the Met call this art.  It blows my mind. 

I promised Beth I'd go to a children's play with her on Sunday.  She had a class assignment to watch a children's play, analyze it and talk about how the play could be incorporated into her lesson plans.  We got there about 30 minutes early thinking it would be a legitimate theatre, but this is what we found: 

The play was called "Rumple Who?" It was a twist of Rumpelstiltskin and had a four-man cast, comprised of one older woman and three 12-year-olds, who sang and danced.  It was the most entertaining hour of my life.  Not to mention there were only three children in the audience, two senior citizens and us... and it was interactive.  Oh man, Beth owes me big time.


My roommates and I are going to Swan Lake on Thursday, so HOPEFULLY I'll blog about it shortly after :)

Thanks for reading!